The Backstory
My name is Matt Hall. I am a late-20's UNC alumni living in Richmond, VA with my wife Casey and our two dogs, Marple and Hoagie. I am a tech consultant during the workday and an avid woodworker, mediocre golfer, and lover of the outdoors anytime otherwise. I have enjoyed working with my hands from a young age, likely due to a craft-inclined mother and a construction industry father. I've found that woodworking gives me an outlet for an obsessive attention to detail and a chance to get away from a screen and work with my hands, which I've come to truly value.
Made Honest Woodworks is a vehicle for me to ideate and create with purpose; honing my skills, making fine furniture, and having some fun along the way. The objects I make are not and will not be flawless, but every one is designed, crafted, and finished with two goals in mind: to be a piece that I can be proud to have made and one that someone else can be proud to own.